WebWorks Test Document : Microsoft Word Styles : Paragraph Styles : Frontmatter Styles
Frontmatter Styles
On the title page, use the Title Logo, Title Book, and Title Version styles for the company logo, book title, and version number. You may use Body Text or Spacer for vertical spacing.
Do not insert hard line breaks in the book title; the line breaks interfere with the ePublisher TOC generation. Instead, adjust the left indent of the title paragraph until the line breaks at the desired location.
The legal page should be in the Legal style. The heading of the page (Legal Notice) should be in the Legal Notice style, which is formatted in white so it will not be displayed in the print of PDF version. The Legal Notice style is converted to a visible color in the online help version of a document.
The TOC and Index headings should be in the Heading 1 NoHelp style, which is identical to Heading 1 but is configured not to display in the ePublisher output. This causes the TOC and index headings to be omitted from the online help version of a document.