Conceptual Figures
Use the style drawing for imported line drawings, diagrams, and other types of figures that are used to explain concepts. Two small drawings can be inserted side by side, separated by a Tab.
A drawing with a caption should be in the drawing with caption style.
South American birds
For the logo on the title page of the book, use the Title Logo style.
Screen Captures
For screen captures and figures within numbered procedures, use the ScreenCap or the ScreenCap with caption style. The style is aligned with the indent of the numbered steps.
1. This is a numbered step.
This is an explanation of how or why to perform the step. This is an explanation of how or why to perform the step.
The Find and Replace dialog box
2. This is a numbered step.
Use captions only where necessary. If the figures are placed near the text describing them, the figures are usually self-explanatory and captions are unnecessary.
Avoid using numbered captions unless absolutely required. The numbering requires maintenance and usually contributes little to the value of the figure.
After the drawing with caption style, format the caption in the Caption style. For the ScreenCap with caption style, format the caption in the Caption ScreenCap style.