Free Downloads from AlmondWeb Ltd.
Here you can download sample WebWorks projects and PDF graphics, articles, and presentations explaining various aspects of technical writing and web development. Please contact us with any comments or questions you may have about the downloads.
Embedding YouTube Videos in Documentation
It's easy to embed videos in your documentation and publications. This article and sample WebWorks project explains how to embed and play YouTube videos in Word documents, in online help or web pages generated by WebWorks ePublisher, and in PDFs.
Embedding YouTube in Word, WebWorks, and PDF
If You Type at the Head of a Heading, and Other Verses about Word Cross-References
Corrupt Word cross-references? Content displayed in the wrong place in the DOCX or online help? The AlmondWeb poet explains what happened to the xrefs, how to fix them, and how to prevent the problem in the future - in verse, prose, and pictures.
If You Type at the Head of a Heading
Graphics Under the Hood
How does the eye perceive color, and how does it relate to graphic color systems? Why do some PDF images have jagged edges? What is antialiasing? Which is better, PNG or JPG? What are CSS image sprites? This presentation offers guidelines for successful graphics in technical documents.
Graphics Under the Hood
WebWorks Support
WebWorks ePublisher is a leading single-sourcing tool for converting Word, FrameMaker, and DITA documents to HTML and online help. AlmondWeb is a WebWorks reseller and offer WebWorks training, implementation, and support. Here is a presentation (admittedly a bit old) demonstrating WebWorks capabilities and explaining how to design a WebWorks workflow.
Single Sourcing with WebWorks ePublisher
Secrets of CSS: Using Cascading Style Sheets
CSS is the dominant style language for HTML and XML pages. Innumerable applications, ranging from web browsers and help systems to Microsoft Word and XML editors, use CSS to format and display text and graphics. This presentation explains how to use CSS in standalone style sheets, in inline HTML code, and in the context of help authoring tools such as WebWorks ePublisher.
Secrets of CSS
AlmondWeb Page Setup Guide
A perennial favorite, the AlmondWeb Page Setup Guide is a graphic illustrating how to set up the Microsoft Word page layout for a printed book. The graphic shows how to compute the crop mark locations, margins, gutter, headers, and footers for a cut page centered on an uncut Letter or A4 page.
AlmondWeb Page Setup Guide
Potato Procedure
This is a light-hearted article illustrating the difference between the how and why styles of technical writing. How writing emphasizes procedures—what a user needs to do. Why writing emphasizes concepts—it's directed to experts, or to novices who want to become experts. The article may give you some tips about peeling potatoes, too!
Potato Procedure
API Documentation: How to Explain so Experts will Understand
AlmondWeb's director, David Shaked (Wernick), shares some insights on successful API documentation. These presentations introduce API documentation issues, such as writing for an expert audience, understanding object-oriented APIs, organizing the subject matter in learning and reference manuals, and documenting .NET APIs.
API documentation discussion
.NET API discusssion
For Tennis Players Only
Did you ever wonder why tennis games are often so lopsided? Why a player who is a little better may win by an overwhelming score? A mathematically inclined AlmondWeb writer, who plays tennis, performed a probability analysis to find the answer. The results, by the way, illustrate an aspect of technical writing—presenting complex information by means of inter-related text, tables, and graphs.
Probability Analysis of Tennis Scores